Everything You Should Know About Cockroaches

When it comes to your home, there is nothing worse than having to share it with cockroaches. Your home is your castle, it is the place where you want to unwind and relax, but suddenly you don’t. When you switch on the light in the kitchen and see cockroaches scurrying around on the floor it can make you feel like your home is not your own any more.

Everything You Need to Know About Cockroaches

Cockroaches are one of the oldest species alive today. Having seen the rise and fall of dinosaurs and at least one ice-age, they certainly know how to survive. Cockroaches are not easy to eradicate and what you should know is, that only a proper approach will help to get rid of these unwanted room mates. But how is that done and how did they get there in the first place?

In this post you will learn everything you should know about cockroaches to help you enjoy your home without these unwanted visitors.

Why Do Cockroaches Like Your Home?

Cockroaches prefer warm, humid conditions, and areas where there is food readily available. They favour sweet, starchy foods. But, being an insect species that has survived for somewhere around 300 million years, cockroaches will eat almost anything. Beside having abundance of food, most homes are very attractive to cockroaches simply because they are warm and have countless amount of areas where they can hide.

Cockroaches get in through open windows, gaps under the doors and even the smallest cracks or holes in the building structure. Once inside, they will find a warm and moist area and start multiplying. This is the reason why their preferred shelter is around the kitchen and bathroom. Attics, roof spaces, and under floor areas are also great breeding and hiding areas for cockroaches.

Why Should You Act Fast?

While having cockroaches around is enough to make you call in exterminators, there are many other good reasons why you should take action as quickly as you can. Cockroaches are disgusting critters, they live is sewers, eat rotting foods and garbage. But more importantly, cockroaches are a source of bacteria that can cause serious health problems.

Cockroaches breed rapidly, with each female laying one egg protective capsule every 10 days that contains, depending on species, between 18 and 40 eggs. These egg cases and juvenile cockroaches are often found first, before the adults are noticed. There is no doubt, a single cockroach can quickly lead to a major infestation. Some species such as German cockroaches are exceptional travellers and they are capable of spreading in your personal belongings while moving homes.

Dealing With Cockroaches

Cockroaches are not easy to get rid of because their capsule shell provides robust protection for the eggs.  This is to make sure all the eggs hatch continue to reproduce. Cockroaches can survive for up to a month without food, and so dealing with them effectively can be challenging and it requires an organised strategy.

While cockroach control needs to cover all aspects of their life cycle, you should always approach the problem with altering the environment that attracts cockroaches first. Treatment using correct products to ensure they don’t return should be the next step.

What You Can Do?

Being equipped with everything you should know about cockroaches is a good start. However there are things you can do not to encourage cockroaches taking hold of your home. Make sure pet food is kept indoors, seal cracks, gaps and any other small openings. Install screens on your windows, remove rubbish regularly and keep it secure in bags. It doesn’t take much of an effort, and your own contribution can significantly help to discourage cockroaches.

With all that said, if you are finding that cockroaches start to cause havoc, calling for professional cockroach control service may be the better option. Specialist cockroach exterminators are experts in their field, use the right equipment and products in a safe and professional manner to help you to achieve your desired outcome.


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