Termite Control Sydney
Termite Treatment And Protection
When it comes to termite control there are two different treatment methods available to protect your home. The following options are well suited to eradicate a live termite colony that may be infesting your home as well as prevent it from coming back. These methods are Termite monitoring and baiting system and chemical soil barrier treatment.
Critical Aspects Of Termite Protection
Termite protection consists of 3 essential components that are equally important for a successful result.
Termite inspection is the corner stone of an effective and successful termite control. It is an essential element of the treatment and must be undertaken prier to any termite control measures commence to determine several important factors:
Identification the type of termites that is causing the infestation. Some termite control methods and products are not equally effective on all termite species. Appropriate choice of treatment method that will suited for the situation. To ensure complete eradication of all termite nests, as there may be more than one termite colony infesting your home.
Treatment is the action undertaken by our experienced termite professional when your property is attacked by termites, or in the event when preventative measures are required. The type of treatment will depend on your situation, type of the building, location and the specific termite predicament. Our professional will recommend the most suited termite treatment most suited to your circumstances.
When termite control is attempted by an inexperienced individual it will not only be ineffective but also it will result in termites changing location. When that happens termites are likely to remain out of sight, continue causing damage until the problem becomes visible and costly to rectify.
There are things you can do to ensure termites are not encourage towards your home and cause considerable amount of damage.
Have your property inspected by an experienced professional regularly. Remove all not needed wood from around your house and garden. Keep your garden beds at least 1 meter away from external house walls. Termites look for moisture, make sure your down pipes are not blocked and taps are not leaking. Eliminate all the damp areas from within and around your house.
 If you fined live termites on your property, we recommend to hire a termite control professional. Experienced expert will carry out inspection, determine the extend of the problem and come up treatment and prevention plan.
When it comes to preventing your home from termites causing an extensive damage regular inspections have been proven to be one of the most effective methods. Surprisingly not many home owners realise that expensive termite damage repairs can be easily prevented by having a termite inspection carried out regularly.